Latest deals from our clients

Location: QLD
House Type: Free standing house 4x2 2 cars
Land Size: 757 sqm
Year of Build: 1990 (fully renovated)
Purchased Date: Dec/24
Purchased Price: $641886
Bank Valuation: N/A
Current Rent: $790-$850/week
Key Point: This exceptional off-market deal was secured through our trusted selling agent. The property is fully renovated, providing our client with peace of mind and minimal maintenance costs in the near future. In addition to its excellent condition, the property offers a strong rental return, making it a prime example of a well-rounded investment that balances cash flow with capital growth potential. Furthermore, we successfully negotiated an additional $10K reduction following the building and pest inspection, further enhancing the value of this purchase. This is a fantastic outcome and a testament to our dedication to delivering the best results for our clients.
Location: QLD
House Type: Free standing house 4x2 2 cars
Land Size: 593 sqm
Year of Build: 2009
Purchased Date: Dec/24
Purchased Price: $625000
Bank Valuation: N/A
Current Rent: $680-$730/week
Key Point: During our research, we discovered that this property had previously fallen through due to finance issues with two prior buyers. Additionally, with the holiday season approaching, it had been sitting on the market for some time. Originally listed at $650K, we leveraged these circumstances to secure a fantastic bargain deal for our client at an excellent price. The property also offers a solid rental return, making it a well-rounded and highly rewarding outcome for our client.
Location: QLD
House Type: Free standing house 3x2 2 cars
Land Size: 700 sqm
Year of Build: 2000
Purchased Date: Dec/24
Purchased Price: $642500
Bank Valuation: N/A
Current Rent: $780/week
Key Point: With strong demand in the area, finding a quality property at a competitive price has become increasingly challenging. However, we successfully secured this low-maintenance off-market deal for our client. The property offers excellent growth potential and a strong rental return, making it an outstanding investment opportunity.
Location: QLD
House Type: Free standing house 4x2 2 cars
Land Size: 602 sqm
Year of Build: 2010(fully renovated)
Purchased Date: Nov/24
Purchased Price: $665368
Bank Valuation: N/A
Current Rent: $730/week, market rent $750-$800/week
Key Point: We successfully secured this exceptional, fully renovated off-market property at the second-highest offer, leveraging our strong relationship with a trusted selling agent. This property, being offered for sale for the first time since its original ownership, presented a unique and rare opportunity in the market. As an added advantage, the vendor agreed to a rent-back arrangement for one year, providing our client with immediate passive income and a seamless investment experience. This acquisition exemplifies our commitment to identifying exclusive opportunities and achieving outstanding results for our clients.
Location: QLD
House Type: Free standing house 3x2 2 cars
Land Size: 620 sqm
Year of Build: 2010
Purchased Date: Nov/24
Purchased Price: $624500
Bank Valuation: N/A
Current Rent: $730/week
Key Point: We successfully secured this off-market bargain deal for our client—a well-maintained property with excellent growth potential. As part of the agreement, the owner opted for a rent-back arrangement with a strong rental yield, providing our client with immediate passive income. This strategic acquisition highlights our ability to deliver value through thoughtful negotiation and identifying opportunities that align with our clients' investment goals.
Location: QLD
House Type: Free standing house 3x2 2 cars
Land Size: 603 sqm
Year of Build: 1997
Purchased Date: Oct/24
Purchased Price: $547000
Bank Valuation: $570000(Dec/24)
Current Rent: $600/week
Key Point: In October 2024, we successfully secured this off-market property for our client, and its value has already appreciated within just a few months. With tenants already in place, the property began generating passive income from day one, making it a seamless and rewarding investment. This outcome reflects our commitment to identifying high-potential opportunities that deliver immediate and long-term benefits for our clients.

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